Chiropractic Services
Serving Families and Athletes in Northern Metro Atlanta Communities.

Chiropractic, Pregnancy and Extremity Adjustments
If you are pregnant and looking to have a smooth, healthy pregnancy and delivery, chiropractic adjustments can help by reducing tension and stress in your body. A special adjustment called the Webster Technique can also be used to balance pelvic muscles and ligaments.
The doctors in our office have additional training related to extremity adjusting. Problems such as carpal tunnel, frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, rolled ankles, and more can be helped through extremity adjustments.

Chiropractic BioPhysics® Spinal Corrective Care
We follow guidelines for spinal rehab based off the Ideal Spine Model. We use the most up-to-date protocols for care in our office. CBP® is a proven method to yield reproducible results.
“If it has not been proven in the literature, we do not use it.” – Dr. Bak
Please see the section titled “Proof ” to see a sample of results from our office utilizing CBP® protocols.

Graston Technique® Therapy
Graston Technique® is an instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) technique that is backed by scientific research. Graston® was developed to reduce adhesions and scar tissue of the fascia, which is the connective tissue between your muscles and skin. Adhesions and scar tissue can alter your ability to move and function properly, so therefore Graston® helps you to regain your mobility and optimal function.
There are six different Graston® instruments and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Each tool has multiple stroke patterns that can be utilized based on what each individual case requires. Graston® instruments are only sold to doctors who are certified in this technique.

Whiplash, Brain Injury, and Spinal Trauma Care
Through our extensive course work (see curriculum vitae by clicking HERE) we are able to assess ones injuries and manage them appropriately as a result. We have the tools and training for proper assessment and case management for improved health outcomes.
Have you ever been to the Emergency Room? Chances are if you have, you’ve been told “you’re fine” or “here’s some medication for pain”. However, just because you were sent home from the ER doesn’t meant that there’s nothing wrong. Many patients in our office have come straight from the Emergency Room where they were told the same thing. However, after our examination we have found concussions, organ dysfunction, subluxations, abdominal aortic aneurisms, ligament damage and more. The earlier we are able to assess someone, the easier treatment will be.
We provide care related to whiplash, brain injury, and spinal trauma that results from auto accidents, sports injuries, slip and falls, or anything else.

Spinal Decompression Therapy
Spinal decompression is a pain-free treatment that feels like a gentle stretch. It was designed to rehydrate the internal components of your spinal disc tissue. Hydrated discs are important because they allow your spine to move and function properly. Without hydrated discs, your spine can develop a disease called Degenerative Disc Disease, or DDD.
Spinal discs sit between your vertebrae, and inside each disc is a large amount of water and a protein called proteoglycans, which holds the water in your discs. Around each disc is a dense supportive tissue known as the annulus. When the annulus is stressed, fissures, or little breaks are created, allowing both water and proteoglycans to escape. This decreases the height of your disc and compromises nerve tissue.
Our Chattanooga DTS table creates a vacuum effect on your disc tissue: it pulls the water and proteoglycans back into the disc allowing you to regain your disc height.
Spinal decompression works best with ideal spinal alignment, which is why it’s so important to find an office that focuses on Chiropractic BioPhysics®.

Kinesio Taping
Kinesio tape stabilizes and supports muscles and joints, and has been proven to speed up the body’s natural healing process. Kinesio tape is a stretchy, hypoallergenic tape that is applied in specific patterns that still allows natural movement of the body. It helps with bruise and swelling reduction as well as muscle activation. Many brands of Kinesio tape exist, but in our office we use only the best in order to achieve the best results.